Bold Growth Goals That IGNITE

Your Business Results

Shatter your limits & Ignite your Authority with Melanie Benson

Bold Growth Goals That IGNITE Your Business Results… in 3 days!

Shatter your limits & Ignite your authority with Melanie Benson

What might you achieve if you step into a BOLDer version of yourself?

When you tap into the magic of a BOLD goal, you stretch into the person you most want to be. This is someone who can achieve the impossible.

It’s not too big. 

It’s not too scary. 

It’s inspirational. 

And it’s time you reach for your next level.

You started your business because you have a BOLD, ambitious, big vision. You believe in the work you do and the mega-impact it can have on the world.

But the thing is: You can’t follow that big vision with small goals!

It’s time to build BOLD growth goals - for your business & your life. 

From incremental progress to BOLD quantum leaps

How many times have you set growth goals for your business… only to be disappointed when they don’t happen? 

You spend countless hours doing what’s “recommended” by the experts to get ahead… but you miss the mark on those 5- and 6-figure income goals, time and again.

You see other business owners reaching their goals and think, “What am I doing WRONG?”

The problem is: You’re chasing after too-small business goals!

It’s just too easy to get locked into those incremental growth steps… and completely miss the mark on your bigger goals.

What if instead, you set BOLD growth goals to accelerate your results… with a fraction of the time

and energy you’re currently investing?

And I’ll teach you how for only $37!

 Hi, I’m Melanie Benson - The Authority Amplifier.

My superpower is helping entrepreneurs like you identify and activate your own unique positioning in a busy marketplace… because you’re ready to become a highly paid expert your Ideal Client Avatar knows-likes-and-trusts. 

Since 2000, I’ve been guiding talented entrepreneurs to success (and 15 years before that in Fortune 500 companies), bringing a unique integration of proven success, business acumen and soulful intuition to provide deep transformation and exponential growth

Get Access To This 3 Part Series -
build your Bold Growth Goals for 2024 and beyond!

During (3) 90-minute sessions you will -

  • CLAIM the next-level version of yourself & your business

  • BECOME the visionary who can pull this off with smart confidence

  • BOOST your momentum with intentional energy & clarity

PLUS, you’ll get access to the recordings, the transcripts and the workbook to help you amplify your action toward BOLD visioning for the future.

I invite you to join me for a FREE 3-day event to build your Bold Growth Goals for 2024 and beyond!

  • CLAIM the next-level version of yourself & your business

  • BECOME the visionary who can pull this off with smart confidence

  • BOOST your momentum with intentional energy & clarity

PLUS, you’ll get access to post-Q&A sessions with me… to amplify your action toward BOLD visioning for the future.

Amplify Your Impact & Profit

You'll receive access to 3, 2 hour training sessions where you’ll learn what you need to build bold growth goals and hurdle any roadblocks that get in the way… 

so you can amplify your impact and your profit - all while becoming a Bold Authority in your business & your life.

This 3 part series is only $37 for lifetime access!

The time is NOW.

You know it’s time to level-up.

And you’re ready to become the unstoppable visionary of your dreams.

Because it’s time to dream big. It’s time to build BOLD.

Stop settling for less. It’s time to step up your game.

Build BOLD growth goals for yourself & your business during this 3 part series.

The best part is… it’s FREE!

Starting January 30 through February 1, we’ll meet daily for 90-minute training sessions (plus 30-minute Q&As) where you’ll learn what you need to build bold growth goals and hurdle any roadblocks that get in the way…

So you can amplify your impact and your profit - all while becoming a Bold Authority in your business & your life.

You’ve got nothing to lose… this 3-day event is FREE!

Copyright © 2024 • Melanie Benson, Inc. • All Rights Reserved